Things have calmed down a bit and it has afforded me the opportunity to do things like drop by Headquarters Studio to see the gallery show, "I'm Celebrating My Love for You With a Pint of Beer & a New Tattoo". It was a collection of collages by Matt Maust, bassist for the Cold War Kids. Some real lovely typography.
To be honest I missed the bandwagon and never heard their music but my friend, Lucy, enlightened me. You can read more about the show here and here (not very informative, but sports my likeness).
I also finally got around to seeing Children of Men and it lived up to my hyped expectations. Alfonso CuarĂ³n is now on my awesome list. The cinematographer ain't to shabby either – the much talked about single take action sequences were absolutely stunning. It was also quite refreshing to sparesly see any gadgetry that will inevitably read as dated 10 years from now. If there is a 10 years from now :) Plus, it's the only movie I've contemplated seeing twice in the theater this year. My wife wasn't as thrilled, however.
i continue to try to get wifey to check this flick out with me, to no avail. i did convince her on our date night to see "last king of scotland", a movie that neither of us knew was about at the time.
it was wonderful
another movie on my list.
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