Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Day the Factory Died

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the book launch for Andy Warhol, The Day the Factory Died,published by Empire Editions.

I'll make it quick:
The book itself is a great collection of photographs taken by Christophe Von Hohenberg ( a very personable and incredibly modest guy) along with an essay by Charlie Schieps. The photos are of society folks, artists, and celebrities as they make their way to the memorial service for Andy. Sprinkled inside the pages are notes addressed to the departed. The book is beautifully produced, 170 pages, feels like the most expensive journal you've ever owned, and is decently priced.

The party was what you might expect - society folks, artists, and celebrities. Lot's of champagne was consumed. I certainly did my damage at the open bar. The highlight of the night was meeting Zelda Kaplan. She's a trip - very nice. I wish I had the opportunity to talk to her more.

If you are an Andy Warhol freak you should definitely check out the book. While you're at it, check out Empire Editions. Anthony is hard working guy producing some real quality books.

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