Out of all the places I might think to find the evangelical shock treatment that is Hell House, Dumbo would be the last place I would look. Yet, lo and behold, Les Freres Corbusier, the same folks that brought you A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant, has staged a production straight from the Hell House kit.
I attended last night and it was surprisingly good fun. I won't go into the head trip about the elephant in the room named irony. I think the New York Times theater review sums it up pretty well.
To me it felt like a grand experiment where two worlds collide. And what it yielded is hard for me to articulate. Which is unfortunate for a blog.
So on that note. Get tickets if you can. You'll have all the fire and brimstone without the painful conversion pressure at the end. Bonus = free powdered doughnuts.
p.s. If you do attend, don't pass by "Pin the Sin on Jesus" without taking a gander. It's a cut out of Jesus that you affix your confessed sins to via push pin and paper.
My favorite sin posted that night was, "I like to stick Jesus with pins".