Friday, February 27, 2009

R.I.P. Randy Bewley

I can't explain why so much awesomeness has come out of Athens, Georgia i.e. B 52's, REM, Elephant 6, Kindercore, and Dangermouse. Surely it wasn't just because the folks had an art school? The scene's cross pollination of visual art and music had a big influence on me. Being from the south, the fact this scene could blossom away from the two coasts was an empowering notion.

At any rate one of the most important bands to help forge this legacy, Pylon, lost a member two days ago.

Randall Bewley, guitarist, had a heart attack while driving. He apparently lapsed into a coma for two days and died.

The band had reissued "Gyrate" and word was that "Chomp" was being scheduled for a reissue this year.

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