Thursday, January 08, 2009

I will go here before I die

I've started making a life list and this one is near the top.
Mark my words. Someway, somehow, I am going to Socotra Island. Pirates be damned!

1 comment:

Belvina said...

Listen You! After several times of head scratching, I just figured out it's you!!!!!! How the hella rr you?! How's Katie?! I'm going to read through the entire contents of this bb-log this month (I'm moving to a different neighberhood in Berlin in 2 days so I'm running around like nuts at the moment and not sure when I'll have internet again, though surely sure). Ok, weird place to write catch up notes, but what the monkey, right! HUgs and love to you and Katie. More soon. Belva (a.k.a. Mz.M)