Monday, January 01, 2007

Head (Cold) in the (dave) Cloud(s)

I've started the new year with a hearty strain of the common cold. It's bittersweet because I feel like hell, but I finally get a chance to slow down. The holiday from the holidays if you will.

And now our narrative will be tainted by NyQuil.

My friends Brian and Elizabeth came up from Nashville to see the Tropicália exhibit at the Bronx Museum and were staying with us for the weekend. Somehow, over a glass of wine, our conversation turned to Dave Cloud and the Gospel of Power who Brian was once a member of. I asked about finding some of their recordings under the assumption Dave's heyday was over. Yet, the opposite was true and I was directed to their new UK label, Fire Records, and a compilation cd called that was released in 06'. Plus, they are touring in Europe!

This video however was the Christmas miracle I have been waiting for.

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