On Saturday I trekked over with my friends to Bed-Stuy to see Nate Hill's A.D.A.M. project. Lying on the floor of his apartment was a human form sculpted out of dead animal parts (see if you can find the puppy). While I did get acclimated to the smell I had to pass on the beer.
This wasn't the first bible rewrite creation I've bared witness to, having seen his more delicate sculptures in glass jars, and even naively participating in a gruesome episode of his cable access show. But It still makes me a little queasy every time.
I'll let others pass judgement on the project, but for those that want to learn more visit his site,
stoproadkill.org. if you find yourself itching to be an Rogue taxidermist, why not start with the
Chinatown Garbage Tour?
p.s. I appreciate the concerns of animal rights activists but please don't leave any hostile comments. I did not personally make these creations and the animals were dead already and would otherwise be in garbage bins.