I've been in Hong Kong for a bit. It was fun while it lasted but I'm glad to be back in the states.
While I was there I visited Wanchai and went to the Agnes B. Gallery. I didn't know that Agnes B. had galleries. Apparently they also have a movie theater.
Anyway the current show was called "The Changing Face of Portraiture" and featured portraits by people like photographer Rankin, web guru Joshua Davis, and designer Hillman Curtis. The above image of Bruce Lee was by Eboy. Actually most any illustrator or designer who has gotten buzz over the years thanks to the internet was probably showing. It's a traveling show that was born from the book. I believe there were about 100 portraits. Some of them were clever, others were beautiful, but all were digitally printed and somehow looked cheap. Perhaps the medium was appropriate.
IDN was one of the sponsors of the HK show and they have a few more images of the gallery space.
The authority of course would be the WIWP site, check out the impressive list of artists.