If you happen to be walking in Chelsea anytime soon and haven't checked it out. Go see this exhibit.
I particularly loved Scott Campbell's intricately crafted stacks of "dollar bills". The words "Thank you, Jesus" carved out of the stacks in beautiful type - which he does well.The first thing that came to mind was Marjoe Gortner.
I stumbled upon this and expected to keep moving but I was compelled to watch the whole thing. Really great. I would click the link since it's not formatting properly here.
I can't explain why so much awesomeness has come out of Athens, Georgia i.e. B 52's, REM, Elephant 6, Kindercore, and Dangermouse. Surely it wasn't just because the folks had an art school? The scene's cross pollination of visual art and music had a big influence on me. Being from the south, the fact this scene could blossom away from the two coasts was an empowering notion.
At any rate one of the most important bands to help forge this legacy, Pylon, lost a member two days ago.
Randall Bewley, guitarist, had a heart attack while driving. He apparently lapsed into a coma for two days and died.
The band had reissued "Gyrate" and word was that "Chomp" was being scheduled for a reissue this year.
The analog apartment web app promises to be a simple way of keeping track of your vinyl record collection from anywhere. I didn't really know I needed such a service but after playing around I do find myself coming back to log records occasionally.
It's features are sort of spartan at the moment but it's still in the beta stage and there is talk of adding more functionality. I'm personally hoping there will be an ability to share your collection.
The Impossible Project just might bring back instant film. The mission is "NOT to re-build Polaroid Integral film but (with the help of strategic parters) to develop a new product with new characteristics, consisting of new optimised components, produced witha a streamlined modern setup. An innovative and fresh analog material, sold under a new brand name that perfectly will match the global repositioning of Integral Films."
I'm not quite sure what that means yet, I just hope some kind of incarnation of my beloved type 55 comes back.